


kabo-wiki-hive - whoRthey-wiki

kabo-wiki-hive - whoRthey-wiki - talk kabo-wiki-hive - whoRthey-wiki - talk-feed [en]

kabo-wiki-hive - whoRthey-wiki - talk talk

tinkering with the feed architecture

Mattis Manzel:

I’ve been tinkering with the feed architecture with an eye on the resources. I removed a bunch of double inclusions.

The talk talk in the whoRthey-wiki and the talk in the other kabo-wikis goes into the page kabo-list-wiki - kabo-wiki, all talk kabo-list-wiki - kabo-wiki, all talk.

All talk in the kabo-wikis as well as all talk in the eArt-, obm- and odd-wikis goes into the page one big hive, all talk one big hive, all talk.

Let’s see if this works and how long it takes.